External aerodynamics
The virtual wind tunnel module in XFlow makes it possible to run full-scale external aerodynamics simulations. The solver is able to compute aerodynamic loads over complex geometry, including the effect of rotating wheels and moving parts. It is possible to analyze overtaking or dynamic systems such as the vehicle suspension.

Discrete phase model
In addition to solving the transport equations for the continuous phase, XFlow allows the user to simulate a discrete phase in a Lagrangian frame of reference. This discrete phase consists of particles (which may represent droplets, hail, dust, bubbles, etc.) dispersed in the continuous phase, perfectly suited for colloidal flows or soiling applications.

In order to optimize the acoustic radiation of fan modules, virtual analysis of noise prediction are performed during development. While doing so, the change of geometry can be estimated immediately. The XFlow solver operates at acoustic time scale solving simultaneously the aerodynamics and the acoustic pressure wave propagation.

The thermal solver can be applied to the simulation of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system in a vehicle cabin. Fans can be modeled either as rotating parts or using surface boundary conditions. It is possible to analyze the interior airflow, measure temperature at different locations, and even calculate the passive scalar transport of substances.

Water Management
XFlow is able to simulate free surface problems such as the refueling process, sloshing in the fuel tank, splashing of the wheels on a wet road or driving through water.

Thermal cooling
The thermal solver together with the radiation model allows the user to compute the heat flux and temperature in the underhood and underbody regions coupled to the aerodynamics of the vehicle.