External hydrodynamics
XFlow provides a virtual water channel module for free surface
simulations. It can be used to analyze the flow around ship
hulls, predict their resistance, seakeeping, loads on components,
and the downstream wake of both surface and submerged

Moving parts
XFlow can be used to simulate moving parts with forced or
constrained behavior, such as a submarine propeller. It is
possible to analyze the pressure and forces exerted by the flow
on the blades, the fluid velocity distribution, the moment and
propulsive force supplied by the propeller or the wake created

Dynamic loads across a tank structure as a result of the motion
of free surface fluid confined inside the tank are an important
safety issue. XFlow can be used to track the fluid motion,
including splashing of single particles, and analyze the sloshing
impact loads. It is possible to introduce any arbitrary prescribed
movement e.g. from tabular data.

The solver supports progressive waves boundary conditions by
implementing linear and fifth order Stokes theory to simulate a
wide range of sea conditions. A porous volume can be used to
model the beach and study wave dissipation. XFlow is also able
to simulate general 6-DOF motion (surge, sway, heave, pitch,
roll and yaw) of a floating object.