New versions of VisualDOC, ESLDYNA, GENESIS and Design Studio released

Vanderplaats R&D has announced new releases of VisualDOC, ESLDYNA, GENESIS and Design Studio.

VisualDOC has been updated to version 9.0

Among the new features are a “What-If?” study tool, a direct TAITherm plugin and much better access to the documentation and tutorials through the GUI. All new features can be found here:

ESLDYNA has been updated to version 17.0 mainly enhancing it with BAR elements with sizing and topometry.

GENESIS has been updated to version 17.0 and contains a number of new features:

  • Eigensolution of Fluid Meshes
  • Interior Acoustic Analysis
  • New Global von Mises Stress Response
  • New von Mises Stress results for Random Response Analysis
  • Existing Random Stresses and new von Mises Stress Response for Random Response Optimization
  • Progressive Topology Optimization
  • New Alternative Method for Topology Optimization
  • Fully Discretize Topology Optimization Results
  • New CMBDOT Optimizer
  • Heat Transfer Input Data Alternatives
  • Scalar Element Input Alternatives
  • Tolerance for Badly Shaped Solid Elements
  • Contact/Glue Input Conversion

More information available here:

GENESIS Design Studio has also been updated to version 17.0 and also features a good number of new features:

  • GENESIS 17.0 Compatibility
  • Import/Export the View Catalog
  • Pick Grids on a Feature Line
  • Manuals Available From Help Menu
  • Print Output Coordinate System when Identifying Grids
  • Draw CSLIB2 Bar Element Cross-Sections
  • Renumber Item in Edit Menu
  • Create Elements from Voxel Cover
  • Create/Edit Heat Transfer Loading
  • Quick Move Grid-to-Grid
  • New Merge Grid Option
  • Find Bad RBE3 Elements
  • Deform Scale Displayed in Viewport
  • New Synthetic Result Functions
  • Smear Topology Results
  • Pick Feature Bounded Surface in Color Mesh
  • Easier to Get Detail Popup on Charts
  • Show/Hide Chart Windows

More information available here:

If you would like to know more, please send us a message.



Posted in Allgemein.